Contact Us

The Berlin Fair is organized by volunteers. There is not an office staffed except during fair week. Questions about the fair are best directed by email to [email protected].

Berlin Fair
PO Box 256
Marne, MI 49435

Fair Office Phone: 616-677-1140

10 + 9 =

Fair Board of Directors

The Berlin Fair is organized by a volunteer Board of Directors with help from the Berlin Fair Association and many other volunteers. Listed below are the current officers and directors.

President: Joan Kutchin
Vice President: Randy VanManen
Treasurer: Maria DunnebackTeddy Omlor
Assistant Treasurer: Maria Dunneback
Secretary: Megan Byrne
Assistant Secretary: Andy Pike
Facilities Director: Chad Horling

Jon Monroe

Curt Visser

TJ Murphy

Ken Zahm

Mike Wells

Rhiannon Finkler

Tom Killabrew

Kevin Gratema 

Teddy Omlor

Karla Potts

Seth Hulst

Andrew Pike

Curtis Kruithoff