Contact Us

The Berlin Fair is organized by volunteers. There is not an office staffed except during fair week. Questions about the fair are best directed by email to

Berlin Fair
PO Box 256
Marne, MI 49435

Fair Office Phone: 616-677-1140

15 + 12 =

Fair Board of Directors

The Berlin Fair is organized by a volunteer Board of Directors with help from the Berlin Fair Association and many other volunteers. Listed below are the current officers and directors.

President: Joan Kutchin
Vice President: Randy VanManen
Treasurer: Maria DunnebackTeddy Omlor
Assistant Treasurer: Maria Dunneback
Secretary: Megan Byrne
Assistant Secretary: Andy Pike
Facilities Director: Chad Horling

Jon Monroe

Curt Visser

TJ Murphy

Ken Zahm

Mike Wells

Rhiannon Finkler

Tom Killabrew

Kevin Gratema 

Teddy Omlor

Karla Potts

Seth Hulst

Andrew Pike

Curtis Kruithoff